General Information

  • Category- Flower
  • Binomial Name- Photinia
  • Common Names- Red-tip photinia
  • Spread- 118 inches**
  • Height- 275 inches**
  • Average Production- 50-100 flowers per plant
  • Days to Maturity- 730 days*

Environmental Requirements

  • Soil-   Fertile loam or light soil with a low clay
  • Soil pH- 4.5-6.5
  • Soil Moisture-15%
  • Soil temperature- 16-27 C
  • Climate temperature- 18 to 32°C
  • Sun Requirements- Full Sun/Partial Sun
  • Best Time to Plant- Fall

Tips to Grow Photinia

  1. Arrange good quality Photinia cuttings.
  2. The soil should be evenly moist, but not wet or soggy. Fill the container with a good quality organic compost in the soil with a ratio of 2: 1.
  3. You should take a six- to eight-inch cutting from an area of new growth, generally at a point where the stem has just started to harden and mature. Remove the leaves from the lower half of the cutting.
  4. A container that’s around six inches in diameter is perfect for planting one or two cuttings.
  5. It can take as little as a month or as long as 20 weeks to produce new growth. Once this new growth appears, you can check whether your cuttings have rooted by gently tugging on the stem.

** The values are standard values but might change a bit.

*To get flowers quickly, the users can buy plants from nursery.