General Information

  • Category- Flower
  • Binomial Name- Mandevilla
  • Common Names- Rocktrumpet
  • Spread- 18-60 inches**
  • Height- 39-78 inches**
  • Average Production- 80-100 flowers per plant
  • Days to Maturity- 365-410 days*

Environmental Requirements

  • Soil-  Well-drained, sandy soil.
  • Soil moisture- 22%
  • Soil pH- 6.6-7.5
  • Soil temperature- 18-23°C
  • Climate temperature- 15-32°C
  • Sun Requirements- Partial Sun
  • Best Time to Plant- In early Spring

Tips to Grow Rocktrumpet

  1. Arrange good quality Rocktrumpet cuttings.
  2. The soil should be sandy and well-draining soil.
  3. Take the cuttings that are brown in color from the plant.
  4. Choose a small pot of size 6-8 inches to insert cuttings. Use a clay or ceramic pot that has enough holes at the bottom for proper drainage. When the plant grows to a certain height prefer bigger pots or containers because it should have enough space to spread the roots.
  5. Pinch off the leafy vines throughout the spring to ensure a new branch and vines. When the plant matures prune only the dead vines that damage the growth.
  6. Harvest commercially grown Mandevilla flowers in late summer. To harvest fragrant Mandevilla flowers Use a sharp knife or scissors.  After harvesting pours some water on flowers to stay fresh or you can store them in the refrigerator for a week and use them for ornamental purposes.

** The values are standard values but might change a bit.

*To get flowers quickly, the users can buy plants from nursery.