General Information

  • Category- Flower
  • Binomial Name- Nemesia strumosa
  • Common Names- Nemesia, Pouch nemesia
  • Spread- 15-30 inches**
  • Height- 15-30 inches**
  • Average Production- 20-30  flowers per plant
  • Days to Maturity- 90-150 days*

Environmental Requirements

  • Soil- Well-drained, Loamy, sandy soil
  • Soil moisture- 15%
  • Soil pH- 5.5-7.5
  • Soil temperature- 15-22°C
  • Climate temperature-15-32°C
  • Sun Requirements- Full Sun
  • Best Time to Plant- Autumn and Winter

Tips to grow Nemesia

  1. Arrange good quality Nemesia seeds.
  2. The soil should be evenly moist and well-drained, loamy and sandy as well as rich in organic matter.
  3. It’s usually a good idea to plant your nemesis indoors first, especially if you live in a warmer climate. You should start the process about seven or eight weeks before the last frost of spring.
  4. Use high-quality potting soil mixed with a little sand, perlite, or vermiculite to encourage proper drainage. If opting for garden soil, add compost and check the pH to ensure acidity.
  5. If you start your own seeds indoors, plant them in peat pots filled with vermiculite. when the seedling. When the seedlings are about 2 inches tall.
  6. Transplant Nemesia into the garden when all danger of frost has passed, spacing them 4 to 6 inches (10-15 cm.) apart. Disturb the roots as little as possible and water deeply after transplanting.
  7. Once established in the garden, the plants need little care except for water to keep the soil moist. If the plants stop blooming, cut them back by one-third to bring them back into bloom.

*To get flowers quickly, the users can buy plants from nursery.