General Information

  • Category- Flower
  • Binomial Name- Physostegia virginiana
  • Common Names- obedient plant
  • Spread- 24-36 inches**
  • Height- 36-48 inches**
  • Average Production- 140-200 flowers per plant
  • Days to Maturity- 80-150 days*

Environmental Requirements

  • Soil-  Well-drained , sandy, clay soils
  • Soil pH- 5.0-7.0
  • Soil moisture- 20%
  • Soil temperature- 18-30°C
  • Climate temperature- 18 to 32°C
  • Sun Requirements- Full Sun
  • Best Time to Plant- Late fall

Tips to Grow  Physostegia 

  1. Arrange good quality Physostegia seeds.
  2. The soil should be well-drained and evenly moist, but not wet or soggy.
  3. Obedient plants can be started from seed. about two months before planting out or divide existing clumps in the spring. If planting from seeds outdoors, plant the seeds just below the surface of the soil in groups of about two to three seeds spaced about 18 to 24 inches apart.
  4. If you’re sowing the seeds in containers indoors, the planting depth will be the same.
  5. It will take about a week for seeds to germinate. Once the plants are a few inches tall, they can be transplanted to your garden a few weeks after the last frost.
  6. We can Mulch lightly around the plants to retain moisture for better growth.
  7.  Harvesting is usually done of fully opened flowers in the morning time.

** The values are standard values but might change a bit.

*To get flowers quickly, the users can buy plants from a nursery.